Coppermine Photo Gallery - Deine Fotogalerie im Web

Coppermine Photo Gallery v1.5.34: Dokumentation und Handbuch

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Uploading by HTTP

Regular HTTP uploads use the browser's built-in capabilities to upload files to a server. The maximum file size is determined by two basic factors: the speed and amount of data the web-browser can upload before timing out, and the allowed file size determined by server settings. Note that those settings are not determined by coppermine, but the server config (php.ini). Users who are webhosted usually can't edit php.ini, so they will have to live with the settings the webserver admin has set up. Those who actually run their own server and can edit php.ini should take a look at the settings if (large) http uploads fail:

  1. max_input_time- 60 seconds is the default time limit for uploading files.
    This time limit includes the time it takes for the files to upload, so if you exceed this limit, the file will not even parse, and the browser will not get a response. You can workaround this by trying to upload smaller or fewer files, or you can try uploading over broadband. The best solution, of course, is to increase the time limit to something more in line with your needs.
  2. upload_max_filesize - 2MB is the default limit for individual files.
  3. post_max_size - 8MB is the default limit for post requests.
  4. memory_limit - 8MB is the default size.
  5. PHP's LimitRequestBody - 512KB default limit. (mainly an issue on Redhat/Apache systems. Found in /etc/http/conf.d)
    In general, upload_max_filesize < post_max_size < memory_limit in order for uploads to function properly. Coppermine may warn you if a file exceeds upload_max_filesize, but it cannot warn you if the total size of all the files exceeds the post limit or the memory limit.
  6. file_uploads - This determines whether or not PHP will allow file uploads. It must be set to 'On'.
  7. upload_tmp_dir - This specifies the temporary directory where PHP stores uploaded files.
    The most common issue caused by this setting is an open_basedir warning. In this situation, your server administrator has restricted the files that PHP can work with to a certain directory. If he does not create and specify a temporary directory within the open_basedir restriction, PHP will attempt to use the OS temporary directory, and it will be rebuffed by the open_basedir restriction.
  8. allow_fopen_url - This controls PHP's ability to read files using URL/URIs. If it is disabled, Coppermine will not be able to upload from URLs.

It should be obvious that the files have to be uploaded somewhere (into some folder) on your webserver - this is the albums folder within the folder you installed coppermine on your server. The HTTP uploads go into subfolders of the "userpics" folder (which resides within the "albums" folder). Obviously, the coppermine upload script needs write permissions to upload the files there. This is why you have to change permissions on the albums folder and everything within it during coppermine install - make it writable for the user the webserver runs under. This is done using the CHMOD command on Unix/Linux based servers. If you experience issues with uploading, make sure that you have set the permissions correctly.