Coppermine Photo Gallery - Deine Fotogalerie im Web

Coppermine Photo Gallery v1.5.34: Dokumentation und Handbuch

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Installation and Setup

How to install the script

What the installer does

After performing some basic checks, the installer creates the needed database tables for you and fills them with default values. It creates the file include/ within the coppermine folder on your server that stores the database details you entered during install. If you should change your mysql database details later (i.e. if you change the password of your mysql user account or if you migrate your gallery to another server), you will need to edit include/ manually to reflect the changes. The file include/ also keeps the install script from being run twice: if the installer is run, a check is performed wether the config file exists - if yes, the installer will stop and redirect the user to the index page.

Related information

There are some additional pieces of information that are related to installing:

Server configuration

When installing Coppermine, you might run into issues not directly related to Coppermine, but to webserver setup. Therefore, this section of the docs can only give a rough overview about the webserver setup issue. We can only give recommendations, but it's beyond the scope of the coppermine support board to actually advise how to configure a webserver in the first place. This being said: if you have issues related to webserver setup, ask your webhost for support instead of asking your question on the coppermine support board.


In older versions of PHP, the default setting for register_globals used to be "on", which resulted in many PHP coders coming up with sloppy code in terms of security (simply because they were not aware of the dangers that lay in such sloppy coding). As a result, there used to be many scripts that relied on the server variable "register_globals" to be turned on. However, as many malevolent attacks against scripts are being carried out that rely on register_globals to be turned on, it's advisable to turn that feature off in the config of your webserver's PHP settings. In recent versions of PHP, the default setting is "off". However, your webhost may still have enabled register_globals to allow you to run outdated scripts that rely on register_globals.

To make this absolutely clear: coppermine does not need register_globals=on, but it will run both with register_gloabls turned on or off. It's just the security impact of this variable turned on that we want to alert end users about. If your webserver has register_globals turned on, the installer will warn you about this fact, but it will continue anyway.